Something to Crow About

Pull up a stool, grab a cuppa something to sip on,
it's time for the
Rooster's News.
There's always something to crow about...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

May Day, May Day...

May 2010

Greetings from beautifully wooded, peacefully secluded, sometimes sunny, but mostly not, Petticoat Lake where the sky is blue, the grass is green and one would be hard pressed to believe that just two short days ago, we had several inches of snow on the ground.  I like to think of May as The Clothing Transition Month and if you have limited closet space, the clothing transition can be difficult. We can't pack away the winter attire nor can we unpack the summer attire because one day it is warm enough for mosquito netting, sandals and shorts and the next day we need chooks, boots and parkas.  Ahhh, May…

May is a month full of things to celebrate - like Mother's Day - the one day of the year when we make extra special efforts to pamper the woman who suffered through hours of excruciating pain to deliver us into this world. There are so many ways to show your mother how much you appreciate her labor pains; the traditional breakfast in bed, flowers, cake, dinner at a nice restaurant, etc, etc, etc...  Those ideas are nice, but how about a gift that will make Mom say, "Wow - that's really... something!"?  I have done some research and perhaps you will consider these gift ideas when you want something truly special for your Mom.

If your Mom is a Marine Life lover, she may appreciate a session with Dolphin Channeler, Megan Wise Leupold. Megan is a modern day mystic and Dolphin Ambassador who had a sacred initiation orchestrated by 3 wild dolphins, Unumi, Baroni and Inini, in the Kealakekua Bay, on the Kona Coast of Hawaii.  Since that time, Megan's mission has been to speak for the dolphins and share their messages of love and hope.  And, indeed she has - according to Megan's website,, the dolphins have expressed a desire to write a book, talk on a radio show and conduct workshops.  So, if you think your Mom would like to raise her vibrations and become more like a dolphin, contact Megan, at a unique metaphysical community in the Poconos of PA, to schedule a Dolphin Consciousness Connection.
Perhaps Mom is a fan of Astrology.  If so, hook her up with a Fun and Enlightening Angelic Astrology Oracle Session with Angel Jan Carter, the Angelic Astrologer.  Angel Jan is a Professional Counseling Angelic Astrologer, a certified professional Medical Technologist (ASCP), and, at one time, Jan was a professional model (you can see old photos of Jan modeling on her website.)  Jan was also part of the "Rising Star Astrodrama Group" and created the astro-poem, "Pluto's Message."  According to the website,,  Jan has a deep past life and soul connection with Nostradamus...  Angel Jan uses a unique mix of ancient wisdom and myths with her Heart of Gold and Soropianic inner intuitive knowing to give your mother a soul level view of her life.  In her angelic spontaneous style, Jan also uses the latest computer and software technologies to assist her in getting an accurate life view for your Mom.  For only $90.00 per hour, your Mom can get a unique personal recorded astrology reading with natal charts; audio file or cassette tape of the reading is included.  If Mom needs a Divine Tune-Up, one can be included. The astrology reading and tune up are just $155.00.  Jan accepts payment by credit card - just click on the "MAKE A DONATION" button and Angel Jan will be waiting for a call from your Mom.
(A note on Soropianic - I could not find a definition of this word.  I did try several spellings with no results.  The root - soro - may be from the Latin soror - meaning sister, thus I have concluded that Soropainic Inner Intuitive Knowing is Women's Intuition).

Let's face it, being a Mom is hard work.  Every now and then Mom could use some quiet time so give Mom a gift certificate (prices vary - you must make a donation for services rendered) for a meditation session with Transcendental Meditation Mediator and Advanced Light Body Activator, Keth Luke.  Keth, or Keth of Kether, known as Terry Luke in earlier life, is a Master of Light and an Activation Wizard.  Keth received his training from the Radiant and Illumined Ones, the Angelic Ones and other spiritual planes mentors and guides he consciously works with.  (See a photo of Keth with Yoda on Keth's website at  Keth is also an Etheric surgeon affiliated with the Ashtar Command/Galactic Federation.  Keth is from the Central Sun and has had many lives elsewhere including Sirius, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Anunnaki and Nubirian.  A meditation session with Keth of Kether may bring awareness to your Mom about her past lives…  What greater gift could you give your Mom than personal awareness?

Maybe Mom wants a little balance and harmony in her life - if so, here's a sweet deal for her.  Ahana Enterprises now offers the ‘Isis Channeling and Feng Shui Deluxe Kit’ for just $39.95, plus shipping and handling.  You can give your Mom the opportunity to have conscious interactions with her Higher Soul Self, Angels and Guides, all without the trouble of falling into a trance.  The kit includes a sturdy 7" reversible board with Channeling Letter Wheel and Feng Shui Ba-Gua, a Natural Rose Quartz Crystal Pendulum, a compass, a quick start card, a 22 page guide book and a custom carrying case.   Finally, Mom can channel the Astute Entities and get answers to life's most pressing questions like, "Who am I?", and "Why am I here?" , and “Where did I put my glasses?”.  And with this deluxe kit, Mom can solve those pesky energy placement problems with the Feng Shui Ba-Gua. Best of all, Mom can take the portable kit with her and Feng Shui and Channel everywhere she goes.  Give Mom some well-deserved balance and harmony with this easy to use deluxe Isis Channeling and Feng Shui kit.  Ahhh, serenity now…

Those are just a few gift suggestions, and you can thank me later.

So, to all the Mom’s out there, I wish you all a very happy Mother’s Day.

And that’s all I have to say about that…

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